Friday, June 18, 2010


We were scheduled for filming at the Riverwalk.  It was an especially steamy afternoon, and the crew set up a makeshift tent on the lawn overlooking the water, and the walk itself.  All the moms had taken up a seat on the cement staircase nearby, just below the actors and actresses seated under the canopy prepared for them.

Curious passersby soon began meandering through.

One particular woman stopped to inquire of all the goings-on.

She was told, clearly, as to what she was viewing, right down to the 'star power' of those she was looking at.  One little girl in particular held her keen interest.  That little girls' Momma had just finished detailing the daughter's latest resume' endeavor, a popular show on network television.

The stranger peered under the canopy with her hungry-to-see eyes.

Those eyes, growing wide, turned to us with amazement.  The woman spoke:  "Why you're RIGHT!  That is her!" 

 . . . as if we didn't know, or had somehow misspoken . . .




  1. People are hilarious

  2. Please tell how to fire up my blog:


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